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Nothing is Impossible for God – Matthew 19:16-30 (Storms of Life)

Devotions for the storms of life

Read: Matthew 19:16-30

Key Verse: v26:

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

What Does it Mean?

The rich young man who desired eternal life approached Jesus to discover what he was lacking. He had kept the commandments, but had acquired a great wealth, and so Jesus’ answer distressed him. It wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear. Perhaps he thought he could buy his way into heaven. What Jesus asked him to do clearly was too big an ask. It meant giving up everything he had – but it wasn’t just about the money. It was what the money meant. Instead of depending on God to meet his needs, the young man had learnt to depend on his wealth. It gave him security and status – and he wasn’t prepared to give that up, not even to get into heaven. To the young man, the cost of following Jesus was too high.

Complete and utter dependance upon God for all our needs is risky. And it goes against our human nature. We like to be in control of our own security, to have our own plans, our own resources, our own escape routes. But when we refuse to depend upon God, we are risking something far greater than our perceived security – we’re risking missing out on eternity! We can’t make it to heaven by means of our own schemes and striving. We can only get there when we surrender completely to God and trust Him to meet our needs – big and small. But when we do surrender to God, we find that the impossible becomes possible, and the storms that would overwhelm us if we faced them in our own strength cannot shake us.

Bottom Line

When Jesus told the disciples that all things are possible for God, He was teaching a crucial lesson that every Christian needs to be aware of: our utter, complete dependance upon God. We have to leave behind our tendency to try and solve everything ourselves and humble ourselves and admit our need for God. It’s impossible for us to save ourselves, but it’s perfectly possible for God to save us. When the storms are raging, we have to admit our dependance upon God before He can do the impossible in our lives.

Journaling and Reflection

  • The rich young man went away sad because he didn’t want to give up his wealth. We must be careful not to lose out on eternity because we’re not willing to trust God. Are there any crutches that you depend on that God may be asking you to give up? How do you feel about this?
  • What is impossible for man is possible for God. Why is it so important that we realise our dependance upon God before He can do the impossible in our lives? How easy or difficult is it for you to surrender completely to God? Why?


Lord God, thank You that the things that are impossible for man are possible for You. Forgive me for the times when I have been reluctant to admit my dependance upon You. Help me to recognise the crutches that I may put before my dependence on You, and give me a humble heart that I may trust You and You alone in every circumstance that I face. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Nothing is Impossible for God – Matthew 19:16-30 (Storms of Life)”

  1. Great lesson! I think it also applies to missing out on God’s best for us. Even once we’ve accepted His salvation, we can get caught up once again in “taking care of ourselves” rather than depending fully on Him and trusting His plan. In the process we are’t going to lose our salvation, but we can miss out on great blessings this side of eternity! He is continually showing me this and teaching me to let go and let Him lead. It’s pretty tough for a control freak like me. Thanks for this!

  2. Great lesson! I think it also applies to missing out on God’s best for us. Even once we’ve accepted His salvation, we can get caught up once again in “taking care of ourselves” rather than depending fully on Him and trusting His plan. In the process we are’t going to lose our salvation, but we can miss out on great blessings this side of eternity! He is continually showing me this and teaching me to let go and let Him lead. It’s pretty tough for a control freak like me. Thanks for this!

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