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A Hope and a Future – Jeremiah 29:10-14 (Storms of Life)

Devotions for the storms of life

Read: Jeremiah 29:10-14

Key Verse: v11:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

What Does it Mean?

Jeremiah 29:11 probably ranks in the top ten of verses many Christians have memorised. It’s a verse that gets quoted to anyone and everyone facing difficult circumstances, no matter what they are. It’s certainly a verse meant to comfort and give solace – a reminder of God’s unchanging character. We can be sure that God has plans for each and every one of His children – and those plans are always positive ones. The devil’s schemes and human nature can sometimes get in the way of God’s plans for us, but when that happens, our God is big enough and generous enough to simply reset the sat-nav to get us back on track.

Although verse 11 is very familiar, the following verses, verses 12-14, are less well known. However, they point us to the source of our hope and future – actively seeking God in prayer. God’s plans can only prevail when we are willing to work with Him, and that means intentionally being in relationship with Him. Verse 13 reminds us that we will only find God when we seek Him with all our hearts. Half-hearted, emergency prayer will still be heard by God, but what He desires is for us to turn to Him in all our situations, both good and bad. If we make seeking God a habit when things are settled in our lives, we will find it easier to turn to Him when the storms are raging. The deeper our relationship with Him, the stronger we will be, and the more comfort we will be able to draw from Him.

Bottom Line

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that God has a plan and a purpose for us when we feel like we’re drowning in the storms that assail us. And even if we do believe it, hurting with hope still hurts. It’s important, however, that we learn to hold on firm to the promises of God. We may not understand what is happening in our lives, or why God would let it happen, but we can absolutely trust that the plans that He has for us are good ones, ones that give us hope and a future beyond our current circumstances.

Journaling and Reflection

  • Re-read verses 12-14. What does it mean to seek God with all your heart? Think about your personal relationship with God. Would you consider that you seek Him with all your heart? If not, what can you do to change this?
  • When we call on God, He listens to us. How would you describe your prayer life? Do you truly believe that God listens to everything you bring before Him? Why/ why not?
  • God’s plans are always to give us a hope and a future, but for them to prevail we have to work with Him not against Him. How can you be more proactive in being willing to work with God’s plans instead of making your own?


Lord God, thank You that You have a plan and a purpose for my life. I’m sorry for the times when I have been half-hearted in my approach to You. Please help me to seek You with all my heart, and be more willing to work with You in the fulfilment of the plans that You have for my life. Amen. 

Free Printable Colouring Page

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