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God Stands By Us – 2 Tim 4:1-18 (Storms of Life)

Devotions for the storms of life

Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-18

Key Verse: v17

But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth.


What Does it Mean?

Every Christian has a calling on their life that God desires for them to fulfil. For Paul and for Timothy, the calling was to preach the Gospel – something which, at the time at which Paul was writing to Timothy, was not without danger. The early church faced much persecution from the Roman Emperors, and Paul knew well the dangers of his calling. He had been imprisoned numerous times and beaten almost to death. He was writing to Timothy from prison – so Timothy may have been feeling rather apprehensive about fulfilling the calling to preach that God had placed on his life. But Paul’s words were not of warning but of encouragement. He urged Timothy to ‘endure afflictions’ and to ‘make full proof’ of his ministry (v5, KJV). The word translated ‘make full proof’ in the KJV means to fulfil, and to thoroughly accomplish. This encouragement comes after an acknowledgement that many who Timothy would preach to would not heed his words. We, too, can take encouragement from Paul’s words to Timothy. Jesus warned the disciples that they (and we) would face trouble (John 16:33) for their faith. We know there will be storms and challenging circumstances in our lives. But we are called to endure them, to persevere. We are able to do this because, although other people may let us down, as was Paul’s experience (v16), God will always stand by us and strengthen us, that we may withstand any storm and remain standing firm to fulfil the individual callings He has put on our lives. We must not give in  to fears and doubts, but hold fast to our God, the anchor for our souls.

Bottom Line

God always gives us the strength to do the things He has called us to do. Even the people that we trust and think we can depend on us may let us down at times, but God never will. He stands with us in the midst of our storms and difficulties and gives us the strength and courage to get through whatever we may have to face. Fulfilling the calling that God has placed on our lives may not always be easy, but we can rest assured that He will give us everything that we need to stand firm.

Journaling and Reflection:

  • Paul acknowledged that where other men forsook him, God stood by him and strengthened him. How does it make you feel to know that God is always dependable? Does it change the way you view your circumstances? In what way?
  • There is a calling on the life of every Christian, and God gives us everything that we need to fulfil our callings. What do you think God has called you to do? How do you feel about it? What challenges are there to you fulfilling your calling?
  • Paul writes that he was delivered out of the mouth of the lion (v18, KJV). Why do you think he says this even though he was writing to Timothy from prison?


Father God, thank You that although we face challenges in our lives and as we seek to fulfil the calling You have placed on our lives, we can have courage and confidence knowing that You stand with us and strengthen us each and every day. Help us to remember that we are victorious in You, and that You are dependable when others fail us. Thank You for Your continued grace and mercy towards us. Amen. 

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