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Jesus Stands at the Door – Revelation 3:14-22 (Storms of Life)

Devotions for the storms of life

Read: Revelation 3:14-22

Key Verse: v20

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

What Does it Mean?

The Laodicean church was accused of being lukewarm (v16), by which it means that the church was in a state of spiritual bankruptcy and without any redeeming features. These Christians were indifferent to God, and because of their physical wealth had begun to close their hearts to God, forgetting their dependance upon Him. The rebuke that Jesus issued in this passage was issued out of love – He disciplines everyone He loves (v19). Sometimes the rebukes and discipline we receive from God come in the form of what are described as ‘checks in our spirit’, the Holy Spirit convicting us of our wrong hearts. Other times, God disciplines us through the circumstances He allows to come into our lives, that we might be refined by them. That’s not an easy thing to acknowledge, but when we understand that He only wants the best for us, because of His love for us, it becomes a less bitter pill to swallow. When we face difficult circumstances that God wants to use to refine us, Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts, waiting for us to open the door to Him so that we may hear His voice (for His guidance and wisdom) and so that He may be with us in the midst of the challenges, and we can share in His strength and power to get through them. It’s always a choice, however. Jesus will never force His way into our hearts. Nor will He force us to listen to His voice and guidance. We have to open the door to Him and be willing to be challenged and refined by His wisdom.

Bottom Line

When we face difficulties in life, we have to be prepared to accept that sometimes God allows these difficulties in order to refine us (v19). He doesn’t allow the challenges because He is angry with us, but rather because He wants the best for us because He loves us. He is with us in the midst of our storms – but we have to choose to open the door to Him, hear His voice, and receive His strength and guidance, that we may be refined by our circumstances instead of overwhelmed by them.

Journaling and Reflection

  • The Laodicean church was spiritually bankrupt and without redeeming features. Spend some time thinking about what this means. Are there any areas in your life where you are feeling indifferent to God or shutting Him out of your heart? Why? What can you do to change this?
  • Jesus says that He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks. It’s up to us to open the door and let Him in. How does this make you feel? Why?


Lord Jesus, thank You that You love me too much to leave me as I am! Please help me to be aware of times when I am indifferent towards You, and help me to be more open to hearing Your voice and responding to Your rebukes in my life. Thank You that You are patient and will keep knocking on the door of my heart. Amen.

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