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Review of Resurrection Year by Sheridan Voysey

“But there is life after a dream has died…”

I’ve just finished reading a copy of Sheridan Voysey’s new book, Resurrection Year, and have been so touched by this book that I just had to share my thoughts about it! Here’s my review (also on

Resurrection Year is the most heart-rending and hope-filling book I have ever read. Sheridan and Merryn’s story is told poignantly, with Sheridan’s distinctive writing style shining through the heartbreak and hope on every page. It is honest, open and beautifully written, and illustrates that the pain of broken dreams can lead to more than just doubts and fears.

Resurrection Year reminds us that broken dreams have the potential to break us, but, if we take a step away from the brokenness, there can be resurrection out of the darkness – there can be resurrection life after we have allowed the dream to die.

This book has touched my life in ways I would never have imagined, particularly one line: “Perhaps a greater tragedy than a broken dream is a life forever defined by it.”

Sheridan and Merryn’s story is ultimately one of hope and it deserves to be read. No matter what the broken dream in your life is – or even if you don’t yet have a broken dream in your life – this book cannot fail to touch your heart and bring hope into the darkness – the hope of life after a dream has died.

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